Time to start rounding up some V-Day gifts! Okay, seriously, don’t tell the hubs, but I found him a new wallet for Valentine’s Day. Shhh! Here’s the cool thing about this Captain America Mighty Wallet: firstly, it’s mighty like Captain America himself and the...
Marvel Captain America Coffee Mug
Battle the Forces of Morning with your Giant-Faced Captain America Coffee Mug!! As you might have been able to glean from my previous posts, I’m quite the fan of giant-faced things. Big lover of the close-up shot. And this awesomely-blue Captain America Coffee Mug is NO exception, my...
I Only Date Super Heroes Tee
The sentence “I Only Date Super Heroes” isn’t really true; my husband frowns on either of us dating, actually. But holy guacamole, wouldn’t I have loved this t-shirt back in my younger days. Hangin’ out with Captain America at the Sonic Drive-Thru? Sign me...
Cap’s Shield T-Shirt
Shh!! Don’t tell my husband what I’m getting him for Father’s Day! Totally apropos for the Hero of Our Household, this Captain America shirt is going to transform him from Regular Dad into The Cutest, Hippest Dad at the summer barbeque! I love the fact that it doesn’t scream I’m A...