It’s Darth Vader…on a Unicycle… …not real sure what’s NOT to love. How many OTHER Darth Vader on a Unicycle Tees have you seen in your life? Right. So, you’ll be one of the CHOICE FEW wearing one of these things. Until everyone sees yours and has to have...
Darth Vader Rollerskating Tee
posted by Jen
When not working on plans for a new battle station, Darth works at bringing the funk. Fun Fact: Darth Vader’s favorite pastime is roller skating. Gets his mind off things. When the TIE fighter lands and it’s just him and the streets, that’s when the magic happens. This Darth...
Death Star Plan Revisions T-Shirt
posted by Jen
It took them awhile to decide to rebuild, but rebuild they did. It seems to me these plans will make this battle station operational, as long as Darth Vader signs off on it. This is Death Star 2.0, approved, but with revisions. Your Star Wars friends will get this Death Star Revisions...
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