Work sucks. We totally get it. But while you’re at the grind, you may as well make the most of it. Follow the lead of some portly, adorable dwarfs who told us to “Whistle While You Work” with this shiny, adorable Alex and Ani Bangle. It won’t make the day any shorter,...
Gold Snow White
Mirror, Mirror, on the Wall… …who has the fairest lobes of all? Well, you do, my dear! Brighten up those dainty little lobes with some sparkly little 14 Karat Gold Snow White Earrings! They’re 50% off right now, which translates into $49.99 in Queenly Dollars. It’s...
Snow White Gold Apple Necklace
Show mom she’s the apple of YOUR eye by giving her a necklace that’s clearly not poisoned. A witchier sort of daughter might give her mom a poisoned apple, but that’s not you. No, clearly, you’re in it to WIN IT when it comes to being the favored child. Which is why:...
Snow White 75th Anniversary Bracelet
Attention, Snow Fans! Okay, fantastic Snow White Commemorative Bracelet here and only 5,000 are being made. So, that means if you’re interested in snagging one of these babies with the 7 Dwarf Babies hanging off it, you better Heigh Ho, Heigh Ho on over! Did you know we’ve got an...
Disney Couture Snow White Chunky Glob...
Presenting: Art for Your Finger. You get to decide which finger you wear it on, and watch as this Funky, Chunky Piece of Snow White Wearable Art by Disney Couture is bound to bemuse even the Grumpiest Dwarf. The thatched cottage that Snow White swept and scrubbed back to life sits happily...