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How to Host a Back to School Jedi Training Party
Sick of summer, your mother is. Go back to school, you must!
The Jedi Training Academy at Walt Disney World is a SUPER fun, super popular experience for Young Padawans looking to train their way to becoming full-fledged Jedis. Here’s a shot of some youngsters and their Jedi Trainer in action at Hollywood Studios.
Want to blow the neighborhood kids’ minds? Host a Jedi Training Academy in your backyard! All you need is an adult or two willing to show off some smooth, (possibly invented on the fly) Jedi moves, and a few simple snacks!
1. Use The Force
You won’t make it very far as a Jedi without a Light Saber–preferably one that looks cool. These Inflatable Light Sabers let the trainees feel The Force without feeling The Bruise that comes along with those hard-plastic ones!
Another cool, safe Light Saber alternative are Pool Noodle Sabers! Here’s how to make your own:
- Gather up a bunch of pool noodles.
- Cut each of them in half with a sharp knife.
- Wrap the knife-cut ends of the noodles with silver duct tape and black electrical tape to look like the bottom of a light saber. The easiest way is to add the silver tape and then start adding small touches of black tape to get the effect you want.
- Each pool noodle creates two Light Sabers, ready to whom-whom-kkkk!
2. Robe Thyself
Every atttendee will think you’re the coolest thing since Chewie if you give them their own Jedi Robe! There are a few different ways to accomplish this: you can order a bunch of robes like the one pictured and get it over quickly and painlessly, or you can go the slightly cheaper route and make them yourself. Here’s a quick way to whip up some no-sew Jedi Robes:
- Order enough chocolate broadcloth and tan broadcloth to do the job. (Generally speaking–for kids–you can use strips about 16 inches by 48 inches for each robe.)
- Fold each chocolate strip in half and cut out a semi-circle for the kids’ heads to go through.
- Cut a slit all the way down the front of the robe.
- Hot glue the sides to create loose sleeves.
- Or, forget the glue gun, and use some rope to wrap around their waists to hold the robes in place.
You might want to repeat the process using a tan broadcloth for an adult if you wish to have an adult trainer at your Jedi Academy, and I mean, why WOULDN’T you? What Mom or Dad wouldn’t want to be the Jedi TRAINER?
Wanna get REALLY crazy? Get somebody to be the Dark Lord himself and get the Darth Vader Costume! The kids will go cuckoo-ka-choo!
3. Is BB Hungry? No. BB-8.
Wocka, Wocka! Don’t let your Younglings get famished during all of their training; serve ’em up some Wookie Cookies (chocolate chip cookies, which you’ve adorably labeled) or Princess Lays (plain potato chips, also labeled) on these cute Star Wars Plates!
4. If It’s Too Hot For Blue Milk, Try Vader Ade!
After your Trainers have given the Young Padawans some proper training, they’re gonna need to cool off a bit. All you need for a party-sized portion of Vader Ade is:
- some Fruit Punch Gatorade,
- a 2-gallon beverage dispenser with a spigot attached, and
- some red (Han) Solo cups!
- Mix your concoction with some fresh water and ice cubes, create a cute Vader Ade place-card, and you’re ready to roll!
For those with food-dye allergies or who prefer something with less calories, offer up some bottled Luke Sky-water! Make a place-card to match your Vader Ade card and you’ll have an equally cute drink option for the Light Side.
5. Feed Me, Obi Wan!
You’ve made fruit skewers before, but have you ever made Obi-Wan Kabobis? All you need are:
- long-ish Bamboo Skewers (they come in different lengths, so go with the size that your group can most easily man-handle)
- or you can get the fancier, 4 inch Japanese-style skewers with the knot at the end, if that’s easier for your guests.
- Layer the skewers with a variety of kid-friendly fruits and
- add a cute Obi-Wan Kabobi place-card in front of them!
6. Rewarded, You Will Be
Who doesn’t love walking away with a Gold Star for their achievements? We’re betting your young guests will LOVE having their very own Jedi Training Academy Certificate to hang on their wall as a reminder of a rockin’ good time at your Jedi Training School!
For more ideas and inspiration, be sure to check out the rest of our How-To Guides and explore the other wicked good finds at!