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DFB Guide to the Walt Disney World’s Holidays 2012
Folks, I’ve just been given fresh hope that I might be able to do Disney during the holidays without losing my ever-lovin’ mind. And this is the book that’s going to make it happen.
If you’re not already familiar with AJ Wolfe and the folks over at Disney Food Blog, please just go over to their website and sign up immediately. Your life will be richer for it, I swanee. Super fun, funny, entertaining Disney Food Mania going on over there. Here’s a direct link to Disney Food Blog so you can join the party. But here’s the part that’s going to change your world: the folks at DFB have just released an e-book that crams all the details of what there is to see, do, eat, and experience whilst you’re spending your holidays with Mickey. The quick deets: 230 pages, nearly all in color, downloadable for your phone or tablet so you won’t have to schlep a heavy travel book into the parks. They give you the skinny on how to avoid the lines during THE busiest time of year at Disney. You get customized touring plans, lists of their recommended restaurants and when to book them, and do-not-miss holiday attractions and events. Use code HOLIDAY to snag it for $11.95 so we can get this holiday train a’movin’!

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Best gift for ANYONE headed to WDW over the next month!!! It doesn’t matter if they’re an expert Disney lover or it’s their first time, I think they’ll love this. I know I snapped up my copy the very first day!
Absolutely…so easy to tote around, and yes, helpful for newbies and frequent fliers alike! I love the Disney Food Blog!
I could not be happier with my purchase of this. It’s helped in planning and is really going to make our trip a breeze!
It’s a beautiful thing, isn’t it, DisneyGeek? I’m glad you’re enjoying yours, too!!