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Light-Up Storybook Walt Disney World Mickey Mouse Ear Hat
Hey, You. Come on in, you know the party never starts until you get here. And when you make your entrance, it is NEVER small. Announce your arrival in Adventureland with this new Light-Up Ear Hat from the Walt Disney World Storybook Collection.
With The Fab Five and all their friends atop your noggin, blinking to the beat of the Wishes Parade, you’ll be right where you belong—in the middle of the action!
But, what if you’re not That Guy? What if being the Center of Attention is not Your Thing? Well, friend, this just might be The Thing that will bring you out of your quiet repose and Dancing Down Main Street with your Seven Foot Tall Furry Friends! But, put on your ears, and quick…that Conga Line’s headed your way!

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So cute! And you have fireworks whenever you want them.
Tinkershopper – And isn’t that the way to LIVE??
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