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Santa Mickey Birdhouse by Jim Shore
Have your garden birds been naughty or nice this year? Santa Mickey will be the judge of that!
Santa Mickey is making me very happy this holiday season, in all of his incarnations, and I hope you’re getting a kick out of him, too. There’s something about my beloved Mr. Mouse in a jaunty little red and white hat that just makes my heart swoon. And I’m kind of a sucker for the Jim Shore stuff, too. I mean, have you ever seen it up close? It really is impressive, even if you’re not into *that* kind of stuff. The man’s a genius with a piece of resin. It’s really intricately detailed. So, try this Santa Hat Mickey Birdhouse on for size and see if it doesn’t put some jingle in your jangle. (I don’t know what that means; it was just fun to type.)

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I love all of Jim Shore’s Disney collection. He really does a phenomenal job. The Hubby isn’t fond of wild birds though so I guess ours are on the naughty list.
Was it the Hitchcock movie that did it to him?