It’s time. The Disney Snow Village is goin’ up! No matter what the temperature gauge says, it’s never too warm to get in the Christmas Spirit! We’ve got quite a cute collection of Disney Snow Village pieces in our house and we’re highly, highly fond of the...
Disney ‘Twas the Night Before C...
Oooh, lookie! It’s a happy, wee, little Disney Christmas Village, right in my living room! I’m a big softie when it comes to the whole Christmas Village thing. I guess it’s because my mom always had one up with all of the fake snow all around, and the cute carolers with...
Department 56 Mickey’s Ear Fact...
You’re not fully dressed for your Christmas Party without your Ears. So, make sure you swing by Mickey’s Ear Factory to pick up a festive new set to go with your Dapper Party Duds! There is a whole WORLD of Mickey Village Stuff waiting for you over at Amazon, and this Ear...