Tim Burton T-Shirt

Aww…I love it when all my imaginary friends get together at the same place!

This t-shirt is a picture of the inside of Tim Burton’s brain. It’s called Burton’s Home for Imaginary Friends. Inside that noggin is where some of our most beloved and zany characters live. On the t-shirt are sketches of some of them, including Beetlejuice (Beetlejuice, Beetlejuice…sorry…habit!), Edward Scissorhands, and Jack Skellington. This t-shirt will fit Tim Burton fanboys OR fangirls and can be ordered in good, ol’ regular t-shirt style or in Ladies’ fit (aka Frankeenweenie style or Corpse Bride style).

Are you a mad, mad t-shirt fanatic like the rest of us? Check out our Disney T-Shirts Gift Guide for more to love!

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