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Bouncing Bouquet Backpack by Vera Bradley
Well, here’s a bright little backpack to help start your school year off right!
Whether you’re using it for fun or for school, this happy little Mickey and Minnie Mouse Bouncing Bouquet Backpack by Vera Bradley will put a spring in your step. Got sent to the principal’s office? Skip on down to see her wearing a pretty little backpack! Heading to the parks? Well, cram that thing full of money and hop on down to Main Street! You’re such a versatile girl.

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I really want to like this new print, but it’s just so pink! I love pink, but this is a little brighter than even I can handle.
I’m not so sure I like this print, but I do love the Vera Bradley that have the rust and brown colors. It was made for spring but I think it’s perfect for fall.