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Gonzo Pint Glass
Oh, Gonzo. There’s no one else like ya.
No, seriously. There’s no one else like you…that was the whole premise of “Muppets from Space”. You felt like a complete and utter outcast and different from the rest, until all those other Gonzo-esque characters came down from your home planet and wanted to bring you home. Then you kind of realized you didn’t need to fit in, you just needed to be…you. That’s why you’re my fave. You’re good with being you. Just you. Gonzo the Great. With dancing chickens. When I was little, I would have given away my favorite Smurf figurine if it scored me a cup with your face on it. Better late than never. Gonzo the Great…welcome to my pantry, at last!

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Hooray for Gonzo!
Hip Hip!