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I Only Date Super Heroes Tee
The sentence “I Only Date Super Heroes” isn’t really true; my husband frowns on either of us dating, actually.
But holy guacamole, wouldn’t I have loved this t-shirt back in my younger days. Hangin’ out with Captain America at the Sonic Drive-Thru? Sign me up, dude! He might’ve even let me use his shield as a tray for my Coney Dog and Tots, back in the day. If he were a GENTLEMAN, which I am no doubt sure that he is. Which one of the four on this “I Only Date Super Heroes” tee would YOU like to share a Saturday night Sno-Cone with?

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So true… so true.
Patty T – Which one of the four would YOU have wanted to share your fries with back in the day?
I also would have rocked this when I was younger! My husband frowns upon me dating too. My super hero of choice is Captain America although I DID just see the new SuperMan and he’s pretty awesome too.
Emily – Husbands are funny about that sort of thing, aren’t they? I’m with ya on both of those supers! 🙂
My husband would also not be so happy, but I do have two teenage daughters who would totally rock this! Hrmmm… maybe if they advertise that way the quality of guy they see will go up. LOL…
Tinkershopper – ANYTHING that improves the quality of the boy selection!! 🙂