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Walt Disney and Mickey Padfolio
You know, iPads were never really Walt’s style. He thought they were way too heavy.
Plus, he never really trusted all the apps claiming to know the approximate wait times for the Jungle Cruise. Thought they were sketchy. What was his style, though, was a piece of paper and a pen or pencil. Knowing inspiration could strike at any time, Walt know to keep materials handy so his imagination could be lassoed onto paper.
If you’re one of the sorts who likes to rock it old school (I am a Suc-KER for a good legal pad!) and love you some Walt, then this Walt and Mickey Padfolio might be just the thing for you. Comes with a shiny, new legal pad, a place to hold your favorite writing implement, some slots for your business cards, and the words “We Are Just Getting Started” written across the top. Yes, Walt. Just getting started, indeed.

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