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Walt Disney World Vintage Map Cuff Links
Can we bring back the cuff link, people?
We can leave the handkerchief where it is…dead and buried in your grandpa’s sock drawer…but can we start a revolution and bring back men’s hats and cuff links, please? Because THESE would look awesome on just about any dude you know, am I right? Any dude who has a long-sleeved shirt, at least. The kind that you could stick THESE AWESOME CUFF LINKS in. Check ’em out…they’re wee little Vintage Disney Maps, with wee little pictures of his favorite place on Earth! Aren’t they the swellest? Let me know if you think so. And if you’re ready to join my Cuff Linkolution.

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Oh my god I love these! I totally want them for my husband!
Oh… and I love my husband’s handkerchiefs, they often come in handy! ;D
Kristen!! Rockin the Cuff Linkolution!! With a hint of Hankie Love thrown in for good measure! 🙂
These are absolutely ridiculous. Subtle, yet awesome.
Corey – Cuff Link Wearers Unite!
LOVELOVELOVE. I love my cufflinks-and these are must-haves! Amazing.
Scott – I’m lovin’ that you’re lovin’ em and are a cuff link fan! Aren’t these the best??
I so wish I had seen these when we got married, my husband would have rocked these.
Annie – There’s always time for a do-over wedding. I’m planning mine now (in my head.)
OMG…these are HOT. Hotter than that vintage Star Wars t shirt. I didn’t think that was possible.
Brooke – You blaspheme the vintage Star Wars t-shirt! But, for a ttly legit reason. These ARE hot. And the girl who makes them on Etsy is FAB.
i like handkerchiefs. they make the dabbing of one’s eyes easier. when touched by an admirer’s gift. this might do for an admirer’s gift. oh, mickey fix. i do so adore you.
owless – i adore you right back. your comments are the most, to say the least.
These are so cool. Props for hankies too, especially with as hot as it’s been this summer.
Preach on, Disneygeek. Preach ON!!