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Boba Fett Money Clip
Here’s a gift that says, “Thanks for all that hard Bounty Hunting Stuff You Do.”
Let’s face it: Bounty Hunting is not for the timid. It takes a pretty strong, brave dude to chase bad guys around (with or sans jet pack) with nothing to protect them but a small blaster and a thin layering of metal suitage. They work hard for their money. (So, you better treat them right. All right? Thank you, Donna Summer.) As a thank you gift to them for spending their day, say, tracking Han Solo & selling him to Jabba the Hutt to make money to buy you those new kitchen floors you’ve been wanting, why don’t reward the Bounty Hunter in your life with this delightful Boba Fett Money Clip? It will be a great way to help him keep up with all the money they’re paying him under the table, and he’ll think of you and your unrelenting desire for new flooring every time he pulls it out of his pocket. Win. And? Win.
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That’s awesome