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Star Wars Cookbook
WHOoooo wants a Clone Scone?
More in the mood for Boba Fettucine? If you’re chilly, I can offer you some Hoth Chocolate. Yoda Soda? Hot Cross Leia Buns? 🙂
Or, if you’re not in the mood for any of that, we can just whip out the cookie cutters that came with my fantastic Star Wars Cookbook, and fashion a few Wookie Cookies shaped like Vader, R2-D2, and Yoda. Then, we could have a Cookie Duel between Vader and Yoda, with R2 as the ref. Who do you think would win a Lightsaber Battle between Cookie Vader and Cookie Yoda? My money’s on Frank Oz.

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Dude. Awesome. I know what everyone is getting for Christmas from me.
Awesome! I totally know what half the people on my Christmas list are getting now! And I really have a craving for Boba Fettuccine now 🙂
Brooke – I live to make your Christmas shopping easier! And you didn’t even know you WANTED Boba Fettuccine until you read today’s post, did you??
Well now, that’s unique!
Tinkershopper – Enjoy!! 🙂
Perfect find for my hubby. Adding it to my list of Christmas ideas!
Kim – Yay! I won’t tell!