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Department 56 Mickey’s Ear Factory Village Piece
You’re not fully dressed for your Christmas Party without your Ears.
So, make sure you swing by Mickey’s Ear Factory to pick up a festive new set to go with your Dapper Party Duds! There is a whole WORLD of Mickey Village Stuff waiting for you over at Amazon, and this Ear Factory is just one of the super-cute pieces that goes with the Department 56 North Pole Collection. Head over using any of the links, buttons, or pictures, and see which piece strikes your Christmas fancy!

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I love these little village houses that get set out at Xmas time. I always think I should start collecting them, and then I look around my house and have no idea where to put them.
I always have to pack up half of my house and put it in the garage to make room for the Christmas stuff that I bring in FROM my garage!
Pretty Cool, if I bought one piece I would have to keep buying more.
I know! They’re like potato chips…you can’t eat just one!