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Disneyland Fastpass iPhone 5 Case
Oh, 1955. What an adorable year you were.
Cell phones didn’t exist. Fastpasses didn’t exist. Popcorn was a nickel and Park Tickets were 2 quarters. Okay, maybe that last sentence was a little hyperbolic, but lets just say both of those items were Cheap-O! Carry a fond memory of that blessed day back in July of Nineteen Hundred Fifty-Five when Walt made all our wildest dreams (and those of Mr. Toad) come true when he opened the gates to the one and only Disneyland! Wrap your iPhone 5 in Disney Glee with a Fastpass that’s good pretty much park opening ’til park closing (As long as you can rent yourself a time machine, boogie back to 1955, then attempt to explain to the park attendant what the heck a Fastpass is, and what the heck that magic gadget is inside of it!) Good luck, my friends, and be safe in your time travels!

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That’s awesome.