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Enter to Win a $50 Disney Holiday Gift Card from Mickey Fix! (closed)
We are gearing up for the biggest shopping weeks of the year and we know you are, too!
(Psst, make sure to check out our post on some EARLY Black Friday Disney Deals for 2017 – we will be updating it as the deals roll in!)
Don’t forget to check out all our Disney Gift Guides if you’re still looking for that perfect gift! Plus, we’ve got a brand new crop of Disney How To Guides to help you plan parties and other fabulousness!
We giving away another $50 Disney Gift Card to one lucky Mickey Fixer so they can have a little boost to their holiday budget!
Want it to be you?
How to Enter
We want to keep you in the know with all things Disney, so to enter to win a $50 Disney Gift Card, just subscribe to the Mickey Fix Newsletter!
Once you’ve confirmed your Mickey Fix Newsletter subscription, leave a comment on this post (not on Facebook!) letting us know you did so and you’ll be entered to win a $50 Disney Gift Card! If you’re already a Mickey Fix Newsletter subscriber, just leave a comment below letting us know and you’re entered!
Want an extra entry? Visit Mickey Fix on Facebook and then come back here on this post and leave a separate comment letting us know you did so!
Want an extra extra entry? Follow Mickey Fix on Twitter and then come back here on this post and leave a separate comment letting us know you did so!
The giveaway will end on November 10th, 2017 at 11:59 pm. The prize will be provided by Mickey Fix. We will confirm that you are a subscriber of the Mickey Fix newsletter. Mickey Fix is not affiliated with the Walt Disney Company or its subsidiaries. United States only.

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I subscribed today. So excited , I just love anything Disney. Already mad3 lunch reservations at the Blue Bayou for Christmas Eve lunch.
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ºoº Of course, I am subscribed to Mickey Fix Newsletter! ºoº
ºoº Just visited the Mickey Fix Facebook page, wishing you a Magical Merry Christmas, Mickey Fix ºoº
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Merry Magical Christmas to you too, Mickey Fix! ºoº
this is so exciting, my granddaughters and I LOVE anything DISNEY!
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Subscribed, liked on Facebook. Can’t wait till our trip there next year!
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You always have the cutest Mickey Mouse home décor.
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Been a member and follower of mickey fix for a long time. Would love to win and use it in our next vacation to Disney World. Love all the ideas you guys have
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Subscribed to newsletter! Can hardly wait to get my first one. Thanks for the chance to win a gift card. It would be perfect for our upcoming trip!
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Already subscribe to your newsletter! Wish I was at WDW right now!!
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Already a subscriber. Would love this for our trip in January!
Hi exciting I’m all signed up to the page thank you 🙂
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already getting your email and also following on facebook.. Going to disneyland this week.. !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1
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I just signed up and confirmed, thanks for the opportunity to perhap win a $50.00 gift card, we all could use that. Merry Christmas to everyone!
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Thank you so much for the chance…I just subscribed and I’m loving the Gift Guides! Also following on Facebook and Twitter 😘💕🎅🏼
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Subscribe and follow on Facebook. Love it.