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Headless Horseman Inflatable
Beware the Horseless Headsman!
No, wait. That’s a Snickers commercial. Beware the Headless Horseman of the “Boo to You” Halloween Parade! A Blink-and-You’ll-Miss-It-Moment, but clearly a highlight of the Parade, the Headless Horseman is the signal that “Boo to You” Parade is underway! Mwahahaha! Now our lawns can give a nod to one of the greatest parades in all of Disney with this Headless Horseman Inflatable for our yard. Most will thing we’re just a Washington Irving fan; true fans will know it’s more about The Mouse.
Getting your yard all dolled up for Halloween as well as your person? Don’t miss our Favorite Disney Halloween Costumes Page for an extra dose of inspiration!

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I had this wonderful inflatable for many years. It will no longer inflate to its full size. I would love to be able to fix it or replace it, if possible and within reason. So heartbroken. I miss this in my yard.
OH, I hate that, Angela! It’s such a cool inflatable. It looks like they’re sold out on Amazon. Does the actual inflatable have a company tag on it with a number for customer service? Maybe they’re able to send you a patch or something?