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I Heart Animatronic Hippos T-shirt
Friends, today I extend to you a call to action. The time is NOW to stop the slaughter of Animatronic Hippos.
With your purchase of this beautifully-illustrated I Heart Animatronic Hippos t-shirt, you’re not only showing your support for the Anaheim Animatronic Hippo Conservation Society, you’re telling the world that you stand alongside other citizens who refuse to sit idly by while these beautiful creatures continue to be slaughtered every ten seconds on the so-called Jungle Cruise “attraction”. Take a stand. Join your friends. Help save the Animatronic Hippopotamus!

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That is adorable! I do <3 animatronic hippos! How did they know?
The Anaheim Animatronic Hippo Conservation Society knows ALL!
I think we should all wear these and stage some sort of anti-cruelty protest on the Jungle Cruise. LoL… Now that would through the Skipper for a loop!
YES!! We can all board the Jungle Cruise in our matching t-shirts, and we can call it the Save The Hippos Uprising! Or, STHU for short…ha!!