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Scrabble Disney Theme Park Edition
Woo Hoo! It’s Family Game Night!
Here’s one Family Game Night I can’t wait to get started: It involves words and it involves MICKEY. Ladies and Gentlemen, the best thing that’s happened to Scrabble since the Lazy Susan Turntable: Scrabble – Disney Theme Park Edition! Here’s why it’s awesome: First, it’s SCRABBLE. Second, look at that flippin’ adorable tile bag with the Castle on it! Third, this version comes with cards that lets you do cool stuff like “Play any tile and triple your score” and challenges you to “Spell something in another language”! Friends, it’s Next Gen Scrabble, and it can be yours, all yours! (Or you can gift it if you’re feeling especially Elfish.)

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Maybe this would convince my family to start a game night.
What game could be FUNNER to start with than THIS one?? Well, Tower of Terror Clue IS pretty appealing… But, regardless, just START, and have your family be amazed at how much they don’t hate spending time together. And bribe them with cookies. That always works at my house.