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Star Wars Lightsaber Pens
You don’t know the power of the blue-or-black-ink side!
What I really want to do, once I get my hands on these Star Wars Lightsaber Pens, is bring them to a really important meeting, like a house closing. And then, just when we’re all serious and getting ready to seal the deal, I’m going to bust one of these suckers out of my jacket, and, with full-on sound effects, say something like, “Your powers are weak old man!” while I’m signing it, and then put it back in my jacket like nothing ever happened. That’s MY plan at least. How will YOU use your new Star Wars Pen? They’re now on sale for $11.99, or the whole forceful lot for $32.95! They come in a really cute tin, too, for your mild amusement.

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Those are kind of slick