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Stormtrooper M&Ms Candy Dispenser
Well, Hello, There, Best Of Both Worlds!
Beloved Chocolate, meet Star Wars. Beloved Star Wars, Chocolate. Now that you’ve met: Get In My Belly! I love a good talking M&M Dude, and an M&M Dude dressed up as a Stormtrooper will melt my heart…as long as it’s not in my hands. This M&Ms Dispenser comes loaded with a wee starter bag of M&Ms to get you going, and then you can choose to either reload with chocolate yum-yums, or stock it full of coins…(which may eventually be surrendered to attain more chocolate nirvana!)

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Very cute!
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Oooo… I think an M&M dispenser in my house would be very very bad for my waistline. But it sure is cute.
You could stuff it with…grapes?? Ha! Okay, coin bank, how about that for a realistic use of this adorableness??