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Cinderella 3D Pop! Bookmark by Funco
Omigosh, I’m in love with her little, fat head!
Cinderella has never looked so cute to me! I have been on the hunt for cute-o stocking stuffers as of late, and when I found this 3D Pop! line of adorableness I ABOUT freaked out! I don’t know what it is about Funco and their big-headed, bug-eyed, plastic munchkin people, but I am in love-love with them! And now that they’ve reincarnated even TINIER and in bookmark form, I’ve about lost my mind. Neato Shop has tons of characters to choose from, so you can grab one to match every character in YOUR household!

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That would make such a great stocking stuffer!
That’s what I’m thinkin’…one in every character they make!