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Darth Vader DJ Headphones
Introducing: Beats by Dr. Darth.
Just Kidding. They’re totally not called that. But they’ll make you feel AS COOL AS Dr. Dre when you’re rockin’ these Darth Vader DJ Headphones by Funko. Fabulous Sith Heads adorn either side of these 21st Century Listening Aids. Better still, Perpetual Kid is selling these suckers for 20% off today through the weekend. So you can score these awesome Ear Sculptures, along with everything else in your cart, for the suh-weet price of 20% off when you enter code RAD! Click here to head to Perpetual Kid!

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I see these and in my head the Imperial March starts playing. LoL! Bum bum bum… bum bum bum bum… bum bum bum…
…bum bum bum bum buh buhmmmmmmmmm!