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Han Solo in Carbonite iPhone 5 Case
Protect your phone from Hibernation Sickness with this rad Han Solo case!
There’s no real hope for Solo, however, poor guy…he’s headed straight for Hibernation Sickness, but such is the fate of Darth Vader’s Frozen Guinea Pig. You don’t have to suffer a similar fate, though. You can just look at him with a Schadenfreude Stare, and say, “But you still look so cute when you’re frozen like that, little guy!” Because, seriously. Harrison Ford can even make Being Frozen look goooood. So, try on this Han Solo in Carbonite Case for your iPhone 5 , on for size, since The Frozen Fab Man is now on sale for the low, low price of $15.39!

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is the han solo carbonite case available for the samsung galaxy s 2
Hi, Jim! The one I found was just for the iPhone 5, but I’ll look to see if there’s one available for your Galaxy! Thanks for reading!
Jim! Found ya one on ArtFire!
For those just dying to keep Harrison Ford in the palm of their hand. Calista watch out!