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Mickey Mouse Ice Cream Bar Antenna Topper
No, Officer, I was not gnawing on that lady’s antenna. It just looked that way.
Omigolly, have you seen these? I have seen some antenna toppers in my day, but not the Mickey Mouse Premium Ice Cream Bar Antenna Topper! Look how cute! I seriously wasn’t chewing on that lady’s antenna, but I could have. And I swannee that that bite was already taken. This one retails for $14.95, but I found it for $6.59 here! Now, I’m just gonna kick back, relax and wait to see somebody chewing on my car when I come out of the grocery store.

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Okay- I adore this and bought myself two of them. But I can’t see them in the parking lot! There’s something about the shape and color that just blends in with everything else and it doesn’t help me find the car at all.