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Mickey Mouse Pink iPad Case
It’s Black Friday, Mickey Fixers! Get up! Get up! It’s Black Friday!
Even if it’s just getting up to go to your computer, it’s so worth it to get up and get your bones moving today! Disney’s got some good sales going on right now and my bet is they won’t last, because the good stuff never does. Here’s one of the things that should fly: this Mickey Mouse Pink iPad Case. It’s a flip case made of carbon fiber that you can use as a regular case or as a portfolio. See it up close and personal here. Although it’s technically listed as a case for an iPad 2, customers report that it fits an iPad 3, as well. Regularly $69.95, it’s marked down for the sale 30% to $48.96 today. Spend a few more bucks while you’re ont, and you’ll qualify for free shipping: add code FREESHIP when you spend $75. Happy-Shopping-and-Recuperating-From-Your-Food-Coma-Day, Friends! Come back and let us know what other fun deals you score on the Interwebs today!

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I saw this when I was down in WDW last month and almost bought it!
I love the textured-look of this thing, and am trying to figure out how many of my family members I need to score these for!