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Retro Minnie Mouse Samsung Galaxy S3 Case
Ladies and Gentlemen of Mickey Fix, I give you…
your new cell phone case! I heard you when you said, “Let’s see some non-iPhone Cases, how ’bout?” and I listened to your pleas when you shouted, “Why do cell phone cases have to be so doggone expensive?” I was there for you when you said, “A Dole Whip! My Kingdom For a Dole Whip!!” And here I am, with a solution to your first two problems…(the second you’ll have to solve yourself, in Orlando). I give you (drum roll please)…The super cute, super hip Retro Minnie Mouse Samsung Galaxy S3 Case for $14.99!! Click the pic, feel the love, consider your wrongs righted. Annnnnd you’re welcome.

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