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Walt Disney’s Peter Pan Poster
I’m in love with this.
Like, big time, Cuckoo for Cocoa Puffs ™ love. This guy, Sam Novak, who has just about the right name to design something subtly cool as this, has created a world of Disney Fan Art and is showcasing it over on Red Bubble. I was immediately drawn to this Peter Pan sketch because of its simplicity, but he has some equally fantastic sketches from The Jungle Book, Sleeping Beauty, Snow White that you might like…they’re all muy cool and worth checking out. I started to get bummed, though, because I thought he had left Wendy out of the picture, but then I found her. Do you see her, too?

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WOW! I’m not sure I’ve ever seen a poster more perfect for a little boy’s room. This is fantastic! I’m headed over right now to check out the rest of the collection.
Couldn’t agree more!
This guy’s stuff is just the coolest…I hope you really were able to make it over there to check it out, Disneygeek. You, too, TS…it’s worth a lookie-loo. Just a really neat interpretation of the Classics!