Well, here’s something new and fun! Disney Comics is getting in on the turning attractions-into-media game, a la Disney Films and Pirates of the Caribbean with their newly-released Space Mountain Comic Book! This cuckoo, outer space adventure is for anyone who loves sci-fi/fantasy stuff...
World’s Fair Earrings
Hop aboard your Time Rover, Ladies and Gentlemen… The year is 1964 and a young Walt Disney has brought his latest invention, the “it’s a small world” exhibit, to show off to the globe at the World’s Fair in New York City. The theme is “Peace through...
Maleficent Movie Tickets with Free So...
The great horned one is coming to a theater near you! And, I’m pretty sure she miiiight eat you for lunch. Or at least her Dragon Self might. Anyhoo, for all fans who are rooting for Aurora or cheering on the Evil Wingless Fairy, here’s your chance to nab Maleficent Movie Tickets...
The Complete Star Wars Encyclopedia
A long time ago (sometime yesterday), I added this to my cart… …and here I sit, holding my breath until I can this magnificent book set into my vile clutches! Perfect for any fan, Imperial and Rebel alike, this Star Wars Encyclopedia will keep you geeked out for years and years to...
Disney Pixar Sticky
You never realize how much you love you some sticky notes until you run out of them. True Story: I was in the middle of an organization/art/photography project the other day which relied heavily on the highly necessary and usually abundant sticky notes. That’s when disaster struck....
Mr. Incredible
Grab one for the Dad and one for your Grad! Because they’re both incredible AND look really good in red! For your favorite dudes who are beyond the shadow of a doubt incredible, snatch up this oh-so-reasonably priced Mr. Incredible Tee to let them know you think they’re so much...
Mickey Mouse
Get Down witcha Mouse Self! I’ll bet you know know at LEAST one person who’s graduating pretty soon. I’m also willing to wager that person has an iPhone, iPod, Android, or Windows device for which they like to listen to music, podcasts, and/or view YouTube videos. Right?...
J’Adore Mickey Mouse Tee for Wo...
I speak a little French… …with this sentence being one of the more important ones in my repertoire, because it makes me look like I’ve been to Disneyland Paris. Ha! This fantastic J’Adore Mickey Tee not only showcases one’s command of the French language, but...
Mickey Mouse Birki’s Birkenstoc...
What do you wear to a 24-Hour Fun Fest at Walt Disney World?? Super cute shoes, that’s what! But these aren’t just cute, they’re Mickey Mouse Sandals made by Birki’s from the Birkenstock Company, so you know your feet will last and last and last. And you’re gonna...
Star Wars Boba Fett
The name’s Boba Fett but you can call him Bob for short. Not really. You might get roughed up a bit for that one. Regardless, your Dad needs a Bob shirt. He just does. Star Wars Weekends are already running and Pops needs to up his street cred a tad. This Boba Fett Tee is going to be...
Captain America Stainless Steel Watch
Like Captain America would let his watch be made out of plastic. Captain America, you are proof that anyone with a good heart, and a small dose of Super-Serum, can accomplish great things. You started out a smallish, weakish Steve Rogers with a trashcan lid, and look at you now. For anyone...
Lion King Tank
Hakuna Tankata! This Killer Lion King Tee is good for strolling the African Savannah or the Streets of Savannah, Georgia! Wherever your adventures take you this summer, you’ll be stylin’ with a slight breeze coming in the sides. Betcha five cents somebody walks up and croons...
Mickey Mouse Upholstered Chair
Hey, There! Hi, There! Ho, Chair! When your Plutos are barking and you need to take a load off, here’s the perfect place to do it. This Mickey Mouse Upholstered Chair is made from pure hardwood and will hold Mouseketeers up to 90 pounds. It’s the perfect addition to the abode of...
R2D2 Raspberry and Stormtrooper Citru...
You got some boop-boop-bee-boop bad breath, there, Mr. Wookie! Somebody give Chewbacca a breath mint, stat! A piece of gum…candy…something!…anything!!! Oh, thanks, man. These R2D2 Raspberry Sour Candies are just what the Jedi ordered! You can snag these fun things or their...
Yo, Ho! Yo, Ho! The Weekend’s the Life for Me! For all of you Weekend Scalliwags, here be the thing to get yer party started: the One-Legged Pirate Corkscrew! If ye be cryin’ in yer empty vessel over not being able to sail the Seven Seas with Jack Sparrow and Co. on Pirates of the...
Darth Vader Rollerskating Tee
When not working on plans for a new battle station, Darth works at bringing the funk. Fun Fact: Darth Vader’s favorite pastime is roller skating. Gets his mind off things. When the TIE fighter lands and it’s just him and the streets, that’s when the magic happens. This Darth...
The Aristocats Marie Watch
EVERYBODY wants to be a cat! I don’t know what it is about you, Marie: that’s you’re an Aristocrat, that adorable bow you have in your hair, or that you have the voice of the Lady from Green Acres, but you’re absolutely, positively perfect! (Please note that I could...
Enchanted Tiki Room
Grab this one before it flies away! Disney likes to make it a habit of creating the most adorable, must-have items that make our eyes pop out of our heads, and then rips them from our clutches like a nurse rips Tootsie Roll Pop from a diabetic. For instance, this FANTASTIC Tiki, Tiki, Tiki,...
Maleficent Swing
This one has Dragon Wings. These Dragon Wings do NOT enable one to fly, however. So, just be careful in high places. You will look SUPER cool, however. Especially on a trampoline. So give this Maleficent Swing Top a whirl and head straight to the movie premiere looking straight-up...
Mickey Mouse Beach
Who’s ready for a break? I don’t know about you guys, but I’m ready for a wee bit of time spent a la playa! Heck, a little bit of poolside time would do at this point! I’m ready to whip out the wetsuit (gave up on swimsuits a long time ago) and hit the WATER! And what...
Christopher Robin and Pooh Salt and P...
Two Bees in a Honeytree, these two. What a special little smackeral to share with a friend who’s always by your side through thick and thin. Or in Pooh’s case, through fluff and stuff. These Christopher Robin and Pooh Salt and Pepper Shakers will make a cute little decoration in...
Summer Fun Mickey Mouse Flatware
Dinner is Served! (and Breakfast and Brunch and Lunch and Snack…) Know somebody who could use a little Breakfast in Bed this weekend? Why not liven up their plate with these festive Summer Fun Mickey Mouse Flatware! This flatware set is part of a larger Summer Fun set that’s ALL...
Mickey Mouse Garden Gnome with Cart
Look at Mickey’s wee little pointy hat! He’s traded in his Sorcerer’s Cap for a Gnome Hat and looks downright adorable in it. But I’m a sucker for a Gnome Hat. And Omigosh, Mickey in a Gnome Hat Pushing a Flower Cart? I can’t even! This little dude, with his wee...
Mickey Mouse Ombre Workout Tank
Is your Mom a Yoga Mom? Or is your Mom a Spin Mom? Jogger Mom? How about Mall Walker Mom? Or maybe she’s just the Disney-lovin’, high energy, keepin’ it all together and making it look easy Mom! Maybe your Mom’s in a category all her own. Whatever the case, Yo Mama...
Star Wars I Love You I Know Tee
Want. Want. WANT! (Please.) Are you in that awkward position where you don’t technically have children yet, but your wife’s pregnant, and so you sorta feel like you should probably get her a Mother’s Day present? Or like, you’re married, but you have dogs who are your...
Mickey Mouse and Friends Wallpaper
Which room, which room, which room?? First: did you even KNOW Target sold WALLPAPER? Because I did not. Second: Omigolly, which ROOM am I going to put this awesome Mickey Mouse and Friends Wallpaper in? I’m thinking it would add a fun splash of color to a half bath or a kids’...
Midnight With Mickey Vera Bradley Wri...
They’re baaack! And they brought their friends! These adorable Vera Bradleys have been out of stock for some time on Disney Store’s website, but we’re happy to report that the Midnight With Mickey Pattern is BACK and with some new shapes and sizes! We’re liking this...
Han Solo in Carbonite
Happy Star Wars Day, Mickey Fixers! Forget putting this on the ground; I’m hanging this Han Solo in Carbonite Rug on my wall! Wouldn’t it be lovely to have 1980s Harrison Ford greeting you each day when you get home from work? Celebrate Star Wars Day with one of the most beloved...
Snow White
Well, hey there, cutest pjs ever! It’s time to pack up those fuzzy, flannel pjs and bust out the spring gear! How about slipping on these comfy, breezy, organic Snow White Pajamas from Hanna Andersson? Betcha five bucks these pjs contain more organic material than than apple...
Disney Hollywood Studios Anniversary ...
Happy 25th Anniversary, Hollywood Studios! Or do you prefer your maiden name, MGM Studios? Whatever we choose to call you, you’re one of the Fab Four that makes WDW so great (no offense DTD and Water Parks)! We Disney fans like a good celebration, and we’re all about celebrating...
Walt Disney World Soundtrack
It’s the Soundtrack of My Life! It’s not that Mom doesn’t love you, kids, she does! It’s just that…well, sometimes, Mom just likes to disappear to her Happy Place where she can listen to the Epcot Canada Theme Song on a loop and not be judged. Where she can just...