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Disney Parks Owl Brooch
Hoooo Doesn’t Love a Good Brooooch?
Okay, I gotta admit: it took me a bit to figure out the Disney-Owl Connection, but a quick Google search will lead you to many examples of nocturnal birds of prey of the Disney variety…MY personal favorite being Big Mama from The Fox and The Hound, voiced by the immortal Pearl Bailey. When Tod needs comforting after the tragic opening scene, it’s Big Mama who swoops her big, broad wings around the fox to comfort him (much like Maude from yesterday’s post). I’m a sucker for a good comforter-type person…or bird…and so I guess that’s why Big Mama had me at “There, There…” Maybe just wearing this brooch will remind me to be the comforter-type person I should always be STRIVING to be…(an especially-helpful talisman on cold and coffee-less Monday mornings!

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I love this so much! I shared your facebook post with my family and reminded them that Mother’s Day is coming up soon.
Awesome. I live to serve! Fingers crossed for Mom’s Day!
oh. oh. i want to wear my wings on my sleeve, along with my heart and myriad other things, cause it is so much easier to wear all the talismans than have to explain who I am all the time. sort of a visual cheat sheet. and? it’s sparkly and we owls/crows LOVEZ the sparklies.
Sparklies are the best!
And an owless wearing an owl brooch just makes SENSE. this thing was MADE for you, owless! 🙂
I keep thinking about this. I really really want it and every time I’ve seen an owl out in town since it’s been posted my mind has drifted back to this piece.
It’s really neat, isn’t it? It’s a sneaky Disney piece. You don’t know ’til you get up close and squint that it’s got Hidden Mickeys on it! (Actually, I didn’t even notice that ’til my friend Kristen, above, pointed it out on the Mickey Fix Facebook page!)