Pumpkin Seeds Not Included. But you won’t be thinking about pumpkins at all when you’re rolling down the road wearing the Happy Part of the Story: the part where she gets to go to the ball in her shiny horse-drawn coach! Well, I guess you could be mentally living out the Part of...
Birkis Haiti Disney Comic Strip Sanda...
It’s Here! It’s Here! Sandal Season is HERE! Okay, so Spring has come and Easter has come. Therefore, your permission to wear all things white has been granted! (Aren’t you RELIEVED? I know you follow that fashion rule closely.) And more importantly, it’s time to...
Cranium Disney Family Edition Board G...
Family Game Night! Neighborhood Game Night! Random Friends You Haven’t Seen in a While Game Night! It doesn’t take much arm-twisting to get me to play a good board game, especially one that’s as fun-as-all-get-out like Cranium. To this fab Disney Family Version of Cranium,...
Disney Couture Snow White Chunky Glob...
Presenting: Art for Your Finger. You get to decide which finger you wear it on, and watch as this Funky, Chunky Piece of Snow White Wearable Art by Disney Couture is bound to bemuse even the Grumpiest Dwarf. The thatched cottage that Snow White swept and scrubbed back to life sits happily...
Retro Minnie Mouse Samsung Galaxy S3 ...
Ladies and Gentlemen of Mickey Fix, I give you… your new cell phone case! I heard you when you said, “Let’s see some non-iPhone Cases, how ’bout?” and I listened to your pleas when you shouted, “Why do cell phone cases have to be so doggone...
Star Wars Ewok Backpack Buddy
Omigosh, I’ve always wanted my own Ewok! And now I can have my very own Wicket, riding right on my back! How cute is this guy? This Wicket the Ewok Backpack Buddy has cute little straps and a cute little zipper to go with his cute little fuzzy face! Omigosh! He’s so fluffy, I...
Mickey Mouse Garden
Say “Hello” to my Little Friend! Nothing tells me I’m in Florida like Flamingos and Garden Gnomes. And nothing tells me I’m in my Happy Place like The Mickster. Put ’em in a bowl and mix up up, and what you get is this Happy Little Ceramic Goody here known as the...
Star Wars Hands Up
Okay, this one is just ba-ha funny. Oh, fictional amputation, you are HILARIOUS. We loved it the good Wampa Ice Scraper joke, and I hope you are LOVIN’ this bit here. Although this Hands Up if You Love Star Wars Tee represents but a mere sampling of Star Wars most notable hand-less, it...
Fairytale Snow White Tote Bag
Last day to gobble up the goods at the 25% off sale at Disney Store Online! Okay, if history is any indication (and by “history”, I mean “yesterday”), this sale is ridonk, and things fly off the shelves minutes after we mention them. So, if you are as...
Mickey Mouse Disney Vacation Tee for ...
Rockin’ Disney Store Sale goin’ on this weekend. Which is awesome, since you’ll want to save every last bit of coin you can for your upcoming #DisneyVacation. You’re going to look so stylish on your #DisneyVacation wearing this awesome #DisneyVacation tee. Your friends...
Beautifully Disney Cosmetic Bag Set
Ohhhhmigosh. New, favorite Disney Collection…right HERE! The latest, greatest collection from The World is called Beautifully Disney and is it ever! They’re rolling it out a little bit at a time…I think there’s more in store in the coming months, like cosmetics and...
Dark Side Bacon
You know the Dark Side? Well, they have Bacon. They also have high cholesterol and angina, but that’s beside the point. This hilarious bit of Star Wars Snarkiness – the Come to the Dark Side, We Have Bacon Tee, is now yours for the low, low price of $15.74. Yep. $15.74....
Art of Pixar Postcard Collection
Omigosh, how cute are these guys? I’m a sucker for postcards. Big time. Love having them in all shapes and sizes. I have animal ones, nature ones, theme park ones, and ones with Elvis’s face on them. Babies playing drums, dogs in wigs…the list goes on. So I about went...
Disney World Canvas
Well, this kind of sums it up nicely, doesn’t it?? How cute and festive is this thing?? I think this Disney World Canvas Bag pretty much sums up everything that’s fun and wonderful about The World, don’t you think? I mean, it’s clearly missing a Dole Whip and...
Lucky Duck Donald Duck Giclee Art Pri...
Donald, you’re one Lucky…Duck! This is what I look like when I score hard-to-get ADRs, only I’m wearing pants. Which is a good thing, because the Crystal Palace has a shirt and shoes policy, at least for breakfast before the park opens. They may be a little more lenient as...
Minnie or Mickey Mouse Emerald Green ...
I found you something super-cute and super-green for St. Patty’s Day, Mickey Fixers! There’s a cute little store over on Etsy selling this great Minnie Mouse (or Mickey Mouse; however you see it!) necklaces in a variety of colors, but I thought the awesome emerald green one was...
Lego Star Wars Abbey Road Mashup Tee
I didn’t think life could get any better when Lego took on Star Wars… Now with Lego taking on Star Wars taking on The Beatles, I think my World Trifecta is complete. There’s nothing cuter than seeing Obi, R2-D2, Han, and Chewie crossing Abbey Road a la John, Paul,...
St. Patrick’s Day Duffy the Dis...
Duffy wants you to give him a big smooch, ‘cuz today…he’s Irish. And after you smooch him, he wants you to hug him and squeeze him and call him George. I love Duffy. He’s the cutest new little foray into the Disney Universe I’ve seen in a long time. He looks so...
Dooney & Bourke Retro Disney Wor...
Oh, the stuff I could stuff I could stuff into this thing…! And if there’s one thing I love more than stuffin’ stuff into a giant bag with Mickey heads all over it, it’s a good sale. One of the best kinds of sales, in my opinion, is a Dooney sale. That’s right,...
Mickey Mouse Charm Bracelet Watch
M-I-C-K-E-Y here’s a watch for me! To the chagrin of many of those around me, I love things that go jingle-jangle. Can’t help it. Always have. Like it even more when I’m writing with a pen and the jingle-jangle item is on my writing hand. I know. Weird. But I can’t...
Star Wars Wookie Photo Bomb Tee
Okay, guys, hold still. Do the serious face… I’m gonna do my hand out like this and be all, “Come to the Dark Side”, and y’all can just be looking over my shoulder like, “Yes, Master. That’s a Great Idea!”… This could totally be the one...
Tinker Bell Sterling Silver and Gold ...
All you need is Faith, Trust, Pixie Dust…
and a new ring for Mama for Mother’s Day! Found this little shiny with Tinker Bell’s face on it over on Bradford Exchange. For those of you who like bringin’ the bling, you’ll appreciate that this Tinker Bell...
Vintage Minnie Mouse T-Shirt
It’s not Old Minnie, it’s VINTAGE Minnie. She really prefers that moniker, thank you. I’m not sure when this particular Minnie was sketched, but she’s certainly one of the VINTAGE versions of Miss Mouse, wouldn’t you say? Possibly one of the first, but...
Cheshire Cat Night
I’m not quite sure if this would be a comforting–or frightening–face to see during the night. But right this second, in the light of day, this Cheshire Cat Night Light is the adorable-est. I love all things Classic Alice, and this bit of Cheshire fits the bill. Plus, right...
Oz the Great and Powerful Nail Polish...
Lookie! Polish for your Great and Powerful Digits! It’s time to put on the capes and dust off the brooms, Fixers. Oz the Great and Powerful has ARRIVED! Okay, some of you may be cool enough to have seen it last night before the official premiere, and if you are that cool someone, I am...
Tiki Cocktail
Just making sure you have these in your possession before the party starts. Because the Enchanted Tiki Room is celebrating its 50th Birthday in Disneyland this June, and I KNOW the die-hards among us (self included) will be throwing a Happy Birthday Tiki Room Party of massive proportions....
Dooney & Bourke Mickey Mouse Ske...
Hey, Your Awesome is Ringing. For those of you who fell in love with the Disney Dooney Sketch Wristlet, here is your perfect excuse to get the Sketch iPhone Case to match! This black version of the Sketch will add a super cool layer of contrasting awesomeness inside your white Dooney...
Walt Disney’s Peter Pan Poster
I’m in love with this. Like, big time, Cuckoo for Cocoa Puffs ™ love. This guy, Sam Novak, who has just about the right name to design something subtly cool as this, has created a world of Disney Fan Art and is showcasing it over on Red Bubble. I was immediately drawn to...
Minnie Mouse Pink 3D Cardboard Puzzle...
Omigosh…cutest, funnest puzzle EVER. I can’t wait to get my hands on this cute, pink thing and punch out all the pieces to build my very own Minnie bit by pink little bit! Isn’t she cute? I mean, there’s a little bit of creepy vibe to her, but I still think she’s...
Mickey and Minnie Mouse Throw Blanket
Okay, so MY theme for this weekend is obviously Getting As Snuggly and Cozy as Possible. There are worse themes for a weekend besides Getting Snuggly and Cozy, I suppose. And Mickey and Minnie are bringin’ the throwback to this cozy blue Disney Fleece Throw, which has been crafted to be...
Perry the Platypus Lounge Pants
Hey…Where’s Dad? Oh, here he is! Watching basketball on the couch! I TOLD you he’d like his new Perry the Platypus Lounge Pants! I just didn’t think they’d make him so comfortable…sitting…for so…long…! Just HOW many games are there ON tv...