Well, you heard the Manchild, let’s go! That has to be one of the most recognizable lines in literature and I’m so glad it gets to be part of our collective Disneyana! This Peter Pan Neverland iPhone Case is one of the coolest I’ve seen because it includes the famous line...
Star Wars On-Ear Headphones
Feel the force of the bass, Luke. The bass will never lead you astray. Crank up the tunes while you’re cramming for those tests with these Star Wars First Edition On-Ear Headphones. Show your rah-rah-siss-boom-bah for either the Rebels, the Imperials, Boba Fett, or the Stormtroopers on...
Star Wars Chewbacca Lunchbag
Um, heck yes, please. Um, it’s furry. It’s Star Wars. It’s Chewie. It holds FOOD. Bring it! What a better way to strut into the cafeteria than carrying a Chewbacca Lunch Bag with fur on it? You’ll be the coolest Nerf Herder on campus…or the cube...
Millennium Falcon Cutting Board
I can cut this potato in less than 12 parsecs. I know it’s an apple, but potato sounded funnier. Whatever you’re chopping, do it faster on the Millennium Falcon Chopping Board. It’s thick, made of acrylic, and full of Chewie and Han. What more could you ask...
Disney Stained Glass Cell Case for iP...
Whoa. That’s a LOT of movies on that thing! But check out who’s in the middle! It’s Renaissance Mickey and Minnie and the rest of the Gang! This Disney Stained Glass Cell Phone Case will cover your iPhone 5 or iPhone 5s and give you plenty of I Spy time as you name every...
Star Wars Lightsaber Barbeque Grillin...
Stick a fork in me; I’m done… …because this is the coolest thing I’ve ever seen. No, it won’t laser-sear your hot dog, but isn’t it cool enough just to have the ability to spear a frank with a Saber? Now, make no mistake: this fork is for Imperial Forces...
Tinker Bell Stepping Stone
Light the night with some Pixie Sparkle! I mean, how fun would it be to hop from one lighted fairy to the next, all the way through your front yard? The neighbors might stare, but what are they doing out after sundown, anyway? Throw some fun and fancy into your life with these Solar Tinker...
Star Wars R2D2
I found your new Dorm Room Trashcan! I would straight up put this anywhere in my house, but with back to school season on the verge, it occurred to me JUST how awesome this R2D2 Trashcan would look in a dorm or apartment! Plus, you can score it for cheaper right now with these deals at Think...
Nightmare Before Christmas Cuckoo Clo...
Thiiiiis is the coolest cuckoo clock I’ve ever seen. It’s creepy and it’s kooky; it’s all together ooky. It’s from a different haunted family line-up, though. This Nightmare Before Christmas Cuckoo Clock has lights, music, and all the characters from the cult Tim...
R2D2 Ice Cube
Stores around town are starting to put Back to School stuff on the shelves already! Do you know what I have to say to these people? Chill. I am therefore proposing that all of the people thinking it’s time to start buying backpacks and protractors just take a moment to hit the pause...
Darth Vader Glowing
Now Darth Vader can haunt your sleep, TOO! Because, friends, it’s just not enough for Darth Vader to haunt your waking hours, now he can scare the poop out of you at nighttime, too! This Darth Vader Glowing Head Lamp is enough to scare the sturdiest of Star Wars fans and cool enough to...
Mickey Mouse Popcorn Popper
The only thing cooler would be if the kernels popped into the shape of Mickey’s head. I mean, there’s not much to be improved upon here. This Mickey Mouse Popcorn Popper is adorable, makes popcorn (which is the world’s best snack food) comes with oil and kernels and cute...
Mickey Mouse Solar Stepping Stone
What’s your favorite part of summer? Mine’s night swimming. Just when the moon comes up and the sun’s sunk way down into the skyline, it’s fun to go for a backyard, a lakeside, or a neighborhood poolside dip. Imagine walking back to your house after a nice swim with...
Star Wars Lightsaber Lava Lamp
A long time ago, in a decade far, far away… …in rooms with shag carpeting near kitchens with avocado-colored appliances, there lived…Lava Lamps. And everyone who owned one was amazed. Not merely because they were made of lava, no! But because they wormed their way into the...
Disney Goofy Cell Phone Case
Shucks, he’s adorable! That’s a face that just makes ya go Gawrsh! Especially since this Goofy Face aims to put a smile on the mugs of many a gadget user…this Goofy Cell Phone Case will fit iPhones, Samsung Galaxys, Motorola Razrs, iPads, and iPods, thereby bringing joy and...
Star Wars R2D2 Bottle Opener
What is it about your little boop-boop-be-doop that has us all wrapped around your little finger? Actually, that’s not true. Droids don’t have fingers. Okay, you’ve got us wrapped around your holographic projector. R2D2 seems to be a universally-adored character and friends...
Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs Booke...
Heigh-Ho! It’s on the shelves we go! We’re feeling pretty jazzed about the new Seven Dwarfs Mine Train Ride and want to keep the Happy Train going by having happy little Snow White all over our house. The really cool thing about these Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs Bookends is...
Darth Vader iPhone
No, Luke, I will NOT bring you home a milkshake. You’ve had three this week! It’s hard to be Dad. Especially if you’re the Intergalactic Overlord Type of Dad. Whatever your type of Pop, you might want to stuff his Father’s Day Stocking with a Darth Vader Cell Case for...
Mickey Mouse
Get Down witcha Mouse Self! I’ll bet you know know at LEAST one person who’s graduating pretty soon. I’m also willing to wager that person has an iPhone, iPod, Android, or Windows device for which they like to listen to music, podcasts, and/or view YouTube videos. Right?...
Yo, Ho! Yo, Ho! The Weekend’s the Life for Me! For all of you Weekend Scalliwags, here be the thing to get yer party started: the One-Legged Pirate Corkscrew! If ye be cryin’ in yer empty vessel over not being able to sail the Seven Seas with Jack Sparrow and Co. on Pirates of the...
Summer Fun Mickey Mouse Flatware
Dinner is Served! (and Breakfast and Brunch and Lunch and Snack…) Know somebody who could use a little Breakfast in Bed this weekend? Why not liven up their plate with these festive Summer Fun Mickey Mouse Flatware! This flatware set is part of a larger Summer Fun set that’s ALL...
Marvel Iron Man 3 Light Up Coasters
Who’s ready for some Glow Glow Juice? Now, here’s a way to get the party started. Pass out your guests’ beverages, placing them carefully on your cool, but totally regular, Iron Man Arc Reactor Coasters. A few minutes in, after the bossa nova starts bumping, and the sips...
R2D2 Measuring Cup
Why don’t ya just boop boop beep boop your way to a freshly baked pound cake? There’s no need to use your brain when you can let your personal droid do all the addition for you! With this R2D2 Measuring Cup Set, the little blue and white guy will make sure your flour’s...
Haunted Mansion Stretching Room iPhon...
I’m sensing a disquieting metamorphosis… …and I think it’s because I don’t own this cell case yet. We at Mickey Fix love all things Haunted Mansion, so when we found this Haunted Mansion Stretching Room Case for iPhone, we kind of lost our heads. Like, heads...
Vintage Mickey Mouse iPhone Case
If loving you is wrong, I don’t wanna be right. Mickey, sometimes when I can’t be near you, I just pull you out of my pocket, put on my Mouse Ears and hum the Mouseketeer Theme Song. People on the bus usually think it’s strange, but I cannot care. I’ve gotten a few...
Han Solo in Carbonite Bank
Here’s a smart way to freeze your assets. But, don’t worry. You can have it unfrozen any time by “someone who loves you very much.” She’ll be wearing a very scary suit and will sound like a broken vacuum cleaner, but she’ll have your money liquidated in no...
Disney Tangled iPhone or Samsung Case
Cell phone, gleam and glow… Poor Rapunzel. She’s never even owned a cell phone. It’s just cleaning, baking, painting, more baking, and making dresses for Paschal. All. Day. Long. All she ever wanted was just to see those stinkin’ birthday lights. This Tangled Cell...
Star Wars Lightsaber
You don’t know the power of the blue-or-black-ink side! What I really want to do, once I get my hands on these Star Wars Lightsaber Pens, is bring them to a really important meeting, like a house closing. And then, just when we’re all serious and getting ready to seal the deal,...
Haunted Mansion Bottle Stopper
This one’s for stopping up your spirits. Ha! We’re batty for Haunted Mansion Goods, but especially these Haunted Mansion Bottle Stoppers! Should you have leftover spirits whilst entertaining your guests at Gracey Manor, this Bottle Stopper will do just the trick. But if...
Peter Pan Phone Case for iPhone or Ga...
You know what happens when you fly toward the second star to the right and straight on ’til morning? You end up in Rome. Because that’s where all roads…paved and star…lead. Unless you have a boatload of Pixie Dust, in which case you’ll head straight towards Never...
My Neighbor Totoro Cell Phone Bag
Well, THIS is the cutest way to carry a cell phone EVER! But, then again, you put the face of a Totoro on ANYTHING, and I’m in! We thought we’d roll out the red carpet for Totoro and his friends to celebrate the release of what Hayao Miyazaki says is his FINAL film (Nooooo!), The...
Mickey Mouse iPhone 5/5S Case
Hey There, Hi There, Ho There! Who needs a cute face on their cell phone case? Well, have we got a case for YOU! This jolly little Mickey Mouse Cell Phone Case will fit your iPhone 5 or iPhone 5S and put a smile on your face all at the same time. Plus, your smile will grow even bigger if you...
Disney’s Jungle Cruise iPhone S...
And there you have it, Ladies and Gentlemen: Welcome to Schweitzer Falls, Folks, where you will witness something you may have never witnessed before! Thanks to our wonderful tour guides along our Amazonian Jungle Cruise, we will be able to behold the majesty that is the Backside of Water,...
Mickey Mouse Wall
Tick Tock, there’s a Mouse in my Clock. Mickey says it’s time to get a new clock. One that’s fun, whimsical, and will make you happy when skies are grey. Or cold. Or you’re not in Disney World. Or just when you need to know how long the bread’s been in the oven....
Disney Collage Cell Phone Case for iP...
Nothing says “Happy Valentine’s Day” like a brand new cell phone case! I mean, really. Who wouldn’t love the gift of a new cell case for V Day that was COVERED in Disney Characters? This awesome Disney Collage Cell Case is just the ticket, IMHO. Available for...
Artist Series Mickey Mouse iPhone Cas...
Great deal on this fun and funky Mickey Mouse Phone Case! I love it when Disney partners with outside artists to breathe new life into old standards. This Mickey Mouse iPhone Case comes from the special Artist Series Two Collection, and this snap case is made to snuggle your iPhone 5...
Mickey Mouse Battery Power Bar
Mickey Mouse, you know me better than I know MYSELF! This is gonna make my mama so happy because everytime she tries to call me, my phone is dead! With this awesome little Mickey Mouse Battery Power Bar Gadget, I’ll have NO excuses for a dead phone! Mickey, Mom loves you! And so do I...
Star Wars iPhone
The Chewbacca One has FUR, y’all! If my phone were covered in faux Chewbacca Fur, I may NEVER STOP PETTING IT. But, if a furry phone case isn’t what you’re into, there are plenty of other Star Wars Cell Cases to fit your iPhone. You can pick from Darth Vader, C3P0, R2D2, or...
Mickey Mouse Rechargeable Speaker
Rock those Disney Jams! No, seriously. Rock. Those. Disney. JAMS! Throw in the High School Musical soundtrack and get’cha (getcha getcha getcha getcha) head in the game! I love listening to music at insanely loud decibels, whether it be Disney-themed, Billy Joel-themed, or Barry...
Disney Tangled Cell Phone Case
Flower, Gleam, and Glow… …let your power shine…onto my phone, because I’m running really low on battery life and I REALLY want to finish this round of Candy Crush! Okay, so here’s a fun case for all you Rapunzel Lovers: it’s a cool, purple Tangled Cell...