Woo Hoo! It’s Family Game Night! Here’s one Family Game Night I can’t wait to get started: It involves words and it involves MICKEY. Ladies and Gentlemen, the best thing that’s happened to Scrabble since the Lazy Susan Turntable: Scrabble – Disney Theme...
Knits a Small World Sweatshirt
Celebrate the opening of New Fantasyland with this “it’s a small world”-inspired sweatshirt! This warm and fuzzy sweatshirt has all of the warm and fuzzy memories of it’s a small world wrapped up right inside its cozy blue sleeves! It’s made by a company called...
Star Wars Cookie
Why settle for snowmen and ginger-dude cookies this year, when you can have THESE? Don’t tell my neighbor, but I am totally showing up to her Christmas Cookie Swap with a plateful of Boba Fett! I’m totally giddy over these Press and Stamp Heroes and Villains Star Wars Cookie...
WEDway PeopleMover T-shirt
Raise your hand if you remember when it was called the WEDway PeopleMover. I do! I do!! Ah…the PeopleMover…aka the Tomorrowland Transit Authority…you’ll always have a special place in my heart for lulling my cranky toddler to sleep after too much in-park...
Mickey Mouse Sterling Silver Bracelet
For those of you who chose to eat turkey and hang with relatives this weekend instead of hanging out in a queue with strangers who slowly became your best friends after sharing four hours in the cold with them, FEAR NOT! There are leftover deals for YOU…to go with your leftover...
Star Wars Holiday Lights Yoda and R2D...
Found the perfect item for your tree, you have. Make your cubicle festive, you will. Turkey Week is over. Let the blinkage begin! My neighbor had his lights up and twinkling even before my turkey was cold. It’s on! I’m upping my game this year, guys, because not only are my famous...
DFB Guide to the Walt Disney World...
Folks, I’ve just been given fresh hope that I might be able to do Disney during the holidays without losing my ever-lovin’ mind. And this is the book that’s going to make it happen. If you’re not already familiar with AJ Wolfe and the folks over at Disney Food Blog,...
Mickey Mouse Pink iPad Case
It’s Black Friday, Mickey Fixers! Get up! Get up! It’s Black Friday! Even if it’s just getting up to go to your computer, it’s so worth it to get up and get your bones moving today! Disney’s got some good sales going on right now and my bet is they won’t...
Mickey Mouse Death Star iPhone 5 Case
This year I have SO MUCH for which to be thankful! I have family. I have friends. I have a job. And two of my favorite things collided, creating what I consider the world’s greatest marriage! So, I’ll be celebrating this Thanksgiving with an extra dose of gratitude and good cheer,...
Disney Couture Pinocchio Cuckoo Clock...
This pendant necklace is making me go a little…nutzo! (You thought I was going to say “cuckoo”, didn’t you?) Okay, so I thought I was going to be all clever, and had this supercute Alice in Wonderland Alarm Clock picked out to feature for y’all today and I was...
Nightmare Before Christmas Sally Patc...
Check out this rad new Sally Patchwork Shirt! I think this shirt is so fantastic…just like Sally. It will be an obvious nod to Nightmare Fans and just a “really cool shirt” to those not yet in the know. You, however, can induct them into the word of the fabulous and...
Star Wars Craft
Oh. Emm. Geeeeeee! The Star Wars Craft Book?? There’s about to be some crazy craftin’ goin’ down in THIS Ewok Village! I’m kind of really freaking out about this book right this second. Like, I’m wondering if the Star Trek Holographic Beam Technology is up and...
Mickey Mouse Beverage Charms Holiday ...
It’s the most sparkle-ful time of the year. And how cute are these sparklies gonna look dangling from your guests’ glasses this holiday season? Super very cute is the answer. I love the little snowflake guys with the Mickey Faces on them and the little glass beads. You can use...
Disney Mickey & Friends Embossed...
It’s time to get those wheels a’rollin’, cowpokes! Family’s calling! Friends are waiting! Disney’s ready for your online check-in! No matter where your holiday plans have you jetting off to this holiday season, you and all of your precious stowaways will be safe...
The Mickey Fix Holiday Contest Part 2...
You guys were super psyched about our first Mickey Fix Holiday Contest, so we’re going for Round Two! Who’s ready to stock up on some fun Disney swag for the holidays? You’ve got a giant list and we are here to HELP! We’ve got some fun items to showcase for you here...
Star Wars Death Star Tea Infuser
Drown your tea leaves in the Galaxy’s Most Formidable Battle Station! Show those loose tea leaves who’s boss and dunk ’em like you mean it with this fabuloso Star Wars Death Star Tea Infuser. Look at the cute little Tie-Fighter handle! The whole thing is stainless steel and...
Disney Villains Nail Polish Set
Are you feeling more Sea Witchy or more like Evil Queen Witchy today ? I’m feelin’ a little Mother Gothel today, myself. But I can see any of these Six Disney Villains Varnishes making their way into my manicurotation (I just made that word up; like it?) based on varying Moods,...
Disney Tabletop Christmas Tree
Small decor, ginormo impression! You, you family, your neighbors, people walking their dogs down your street: all will be mesmerized with this Disney Tabletop Christmas Tree if you display it in just the right spot (think Leg Lamp from “A Christmas Story”). It’s got...
Alice in Wonderland Vintage Style T-S...
Just looking at this t-shirt is making me feel curiouser and curiouser. And, strangely, I don’t mind a bit! I love Junk Food Brand tees…they’re super soft, super retro, and super fun. This one is sized for Juniors, so it’s nothing I could get away with at this point in...
Mickey Mouse Club Pajama Set
How cute and cozy-looking are these things?? With the cold weather finally starting to make an appearance recently, I’ve had visions of pj’s and comforters and hot cocoa dancing around in my head. I’ve already got the comforter and the hot cocoa…now all I need is a...
Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs Conce...
Happy 75th Anniversary to the Fairest One of All! It’s crazy to think that Disney’s first feature-length film was created 75 years ago, but it’s for real. This fantastic hardcover book, appropriately titled The Fairest One of All, contains original concept art for the...
Mickey Mouse Coffee Cup and Lid Set
Get ready friends….the relatives are coming! Time to set the table with the “good” China! I’m a big fan of using the “good” China year-’round as part of my whole Carpe Diem ethic, but I usually don’t have to pull out all 12 pieces in the set...
Dooney & Bourke Retro Walt Disne...
The Disney Dooney iPad case: It’s back and it’s rockin’ the East Coast Park! We had a hit on our hands when we introduced the Disneyland version of this Dooney iPad Case a few months back. And they sold out fast, and we all cried. I cried, at least. Anyhoo, now it’s...
Star Wars Salt and Pepper Shakers
Meet my new friends: Salty Stormtrooper and Pepper Vader. If your food is bland and your life is blander, maybe you’re not using the right accessories. Throw some spice in your life (ha!) with some new, lively, harmless-without-weapons, kitchen gadgets like these guys! Say Hello to your...
Disney Classic Couture Mickey Handbag
Check out the new handbag I found on Bradford Exchange! Can you dig it? It’s pretty slick, with the pebbled faux-leather, double-handles, and beaded embellishment. It’s covered in happy little Mickey silhouettes with a message inside that reads “Live Laugh Love.” Which...
My own personal, voice-activated R2D2? Where have you BEEN all my life?? Oh, tiny little robot…I’ve been waiting for you since nineteen-hundred and seventy-seven, and now here you are! All I want for Christmas is my own Voice-Activated R2D2 to play tag with, to guard my pantry...
Wreck-It Ralph
Don’t be fooled by the gruff exterior – this guy’s really a softie. And not only that…he’s HUGE! This giant, 16″ Fix-It Felix character from the movie Wreck-It Ralph is a fabulously cuddly oaf who wants out of the game and into your house! The Disney Store...
Gonzo Pint
Oh, Gonzo. There’s no one else like ya. No, seriously. There’s no one else like you…that was the whole premise of “Muppets from Space”. You felt like a complete and utter outcast and different from the rest, until all those other Gonzo-esque characters...
Jedi Training
Now that Disney owns the rights to Star Wars, we best be brushing up on our Jedi Rules and Regulations if we wanna blend in! Here’s a fun primer: the Jedi Training Manual, that covers everything you need to know to keep yourself on the Light Side, to avoid heading towards…you...
Disney Lessons Learned iPhone 5 Case
Show your new iPhone 5 how much you love it by smothering it in Disney Catchphrases! The new iPhones are here! Which means now we get to adorn them with brand new cases…yay! Our phones have become like extensions of ourselves, and their cases are extensions of what we believe,...