Avengers, Assemble! …because there’s a sale on! And Avengers are nothing if not bargain hunters. Check out this tee…I found it at Hot Topic, and they’re running a rockin’ Buy One Get One 50% off sale on all their tees through this weekend. So,that means one for...
UP Grape Soda Bottle Cap Pin
Aw. Now, this thing just makes my heart go “bomp bomp.” I think Carl and Ellie have one of the sweetest relationships in all of Disney cinema, and their love story just makes my insides happy and fuzzified. Check out this awesome representation of Carl’s very worn, very...
Walt Disney World Vintage Map Cuff Li...
Can we bring back the cuff link, people? We can leave the handkerchief where it is…dead and buried in your grandpa’s sock drawer…but can we start a revolution and bring back men’s hats and cuff links, please? Because THESE would look awesome on just about any dude you...
Han Solo Smugglin’ T-shirt
Party Han is in the HOUSE tonight…. Everybody just have a good time… He’s gon’ make me lose my mind. <swoon> Hello, Han Solo, you Hunky Hunky Rebel, You! You with your your ahead-of-your-time skinny jeans and your brown, flowy locks. Women who love you and men...
Marvel Pop! Hulk Vinyl Dude
Don’t call him a “doll.” He’s not fond of the word “figurine” either. And don’t hug him when he’s angry. You wouldn’t like him when he’s angry… When he’s not SUPER angry–just merely making his mad...
Mechanical Kitty
We work to pay for our vacations. We vacation so we don’t have to think about work. Now we can at least make the boring part–saving for our holidays–FUN with this cute little Mechanical Kitty Coin bank pawing at our coinage. Banks really should always make you laugh, in my...
Pirates of the Caribbean Alarm Clock
“Late men tell no tales.” Because they’re fired. Don’t be fired; show up when you’re s’posda with this awesome Jack Sparrow Pirates of the Caribbean Alarm Clock Radio. It’s flapping, mechanical jaw and red, glowing eyes will surely have you hopping...
Snow White
Wicked! Or maybe it’s not; I can’t tell. It’s called the Snow White Bracelet, so does that make it good…or evil? You get to pick. I can’t think about it too long, or I’m gonna end up in an existential loop. So, before THAT happens, check out this fab, gun...
I found a little Scottish something to honor Brave’s release in theaters today. I don’t think Merida’s gonna love it. I however, am laughing out loud over it (which is LOUDER than LOLing, because I took time to spell words.) Now, when you’re on your way to the pool or...
Vinylmation Nerd
Nerdy AND Mischievous? Sounds about right. Sneaky little nerds: my family’s chock full of ’em. Each of us has our own Vinylmation Nerd, but we’re missing Stitch from our collection, so now he must be ours, all ours! (Insert mischievous, nerdy laughter here, along with some...
Star Wars
Happy Fiscal New Year! Lando Calrissian wants you to help him celebrate July’s impending arrival with this boss Star Wars Calendar. I, personally, thought I was going to get a lot more joy out of those “Natural Landscapes” on my calendar than I actually have been these first...
Retro Flight Walt Disney World Tablet...
I haven’t seen a case this cool since Eastern was an airline. One time, way back in the nineteen hundred and eighties, my parents’ flight was delayed coming back from Fancypantsville, which meant I had to stay an extra night with my Great-Aunt Mern. (I was never invited on trips...
Vintage Magic Kingdom Map Coasters
When’s the last time you went 20,000 Leagues Under the Sea, huh? Well, check it: this awesome chick on Etsy has created these fab, tile coasters out of reclaimed Magic Kingdom maps! Now your Diet Coke can take a jaunt on Mr. Toad’s Wild Ride, your coffee can cruise on Snow...
Star Wars Retro
I can’t remember exactly what I said when I saw the guy wearing this t-shirt, but the look on his face said “I’m scared.” I was at *another* theme park (That Shall Not Be Named) when I saw a guy with this t-shirt on, and I flipped. I think I said something like,...
OPI Minnie Mouse Nail Polish Collecti...
Who needs to get their paws done? Minnie’s willing to help a girl out with her new line of OPI Nail Color. Check out Minnie’s signature red: “The Color of Minnie”, the funkified pink: “If You Moust, You Moust”, and the sparkly reddish-mauvy-pink:...
The “Win A $50 Gift Card From M...
Enter to win a $50 Disney Gift Card from MickeyFix.com! We bring you some awesome Disney stuff, and this is the perfect way to snap it up!
Tron Pinball
But, how will your husband ever know you love him if you don’t buy him this Tron Pinball Machine? I mean, what’s he supposed to do, guess? Or, maybe you’re hoping that recordable card from you and the kids is gonna do the trick? Don’t leave things to chance when...
Mickey Mouse Planter by Jim Shore
Think this planter’s big enough to help me hide my Black Thumb? No one’s going to notice that I can’t keep begonias alive. They’re going to be way too zoned in on the cuteness of this pot. This is pot is so great, though, it’s inspiring me to be a better...
Darth Vader and
Happy Father’s Day to the Best Pop on the Planet! There’s nothing quite like Jedi Father/Son Bonding Time, is there? Now you get to see what life REALLY would have been like for Luke if Darth hadn’t gone all Absentee Father on him sometime before Episode 1. Now we get to...
Limited-Edition Cinderella Pop Art Gi...
Save the drama for yo Step-Mama! You gotta give it to her: Cinderella had to put up with some STUFF the first half her story. Floor-scrubbing. Brow-beating. Cavorting with mice. Chapters 1-10 were ROUGH. So, just as Homegirl’s about to make a break from her miserable life once and for...
Disney Toy Story 3D Viewmaster
When I was a kid, all we had to play with was rocks and mud and we LIKED IT. Kids today are so spoiled, with their “bats” and “balls” and “helmets.” When the View-Master came along in the 70s, it blew the minds of everyone with a tiny Farrah Fawcett...
Ghirardelli Black Label Chocolate Sau...
How well do you think this would go with a slab of bacon? Because I’m planning to pretty much dump it on anything I can get my hands on. You remember that scene in Jungle Book when Kaa the Snake hypnotizes Mowgli and it makes his eyes go all woo-woo-woo and he’s totally...
Fantasyland Drinking Glass by SHAG
Well, here’s my new favorite getaway glass. Okay, I’ll admit it: up until a month ago, I had no clue who the artist SHAG was, but now I must own everything he’s ever produced. Right this second. His drawings are so dang cute I can’t stand it! I’ve written about...
Walt Disney 110th Anniversary Charm B...
Happy Birthday, Uncle Walt! Look what I’m getting me for your birthday! What a great way to celebrate Walt’s 110th, by having little dancing Mickeys all around my wrist. I think he’d be very pleased that I’m choosing to celebrate him in this fabulously fashionable...
Crush Aquarium
Duuuude. Dude? DUDE! Careful not to hurl on my shell. Just waxed it. What’s up, Jelly Man? My offspring are gonna go cu-cu-ca-choo over this rad Crush Figurine for our Fish Tank. We’re gonna have our goldfish thinking they’re cruising the EAC, working out their thrill...
d23 Exclusive 25th Anniversary Black ...
I will love him and squeeze him and call him George. Wait, no, no I won’t. Wrong cartoon. I will love him and squeeze him and call him Steamboat Willy. AKA World’s Cutest Mouse. Look at those adorable little eyes with their precious Pac-Man centers. How can you resist??...
Once Upon a Time
Ooh, now here’s a juicy read. Check out this hip, new book, Once Upon a Time, from Hyperion Press that brings our fave fairy tales to the 21st century, complete with a forward by the guys who brought us the monster TV hit of the same name. The luscious illustrations by Kevin Tong...
Stormtrooper Basketball Jersey
You’re a little bit country…You’re a little bit rock and roll. Let your Nerd side and your Athlete side coexist in this awesome Stormtrooper Basketball Jersey. Who’s the King of the Imperial Court? THIS guy. Trooper 77 — present and ready for some three-point...
Method Mickey Mouse Lemonade Hand Was...
There’s nothing more refreshing after a long day in The Parks than a Frozen Lemonade, am I right? I’m loving the smell of this new Method Foaming Soap. It smells just like a Frozen Lemonade, and it’s shaped like Mickey’s head, so what’s there NOT to like, right?...
Limited Edition Disney Vintage Mickey...
Electricity’s sole purpose seems to be so that man could find unusual faces stamped onto the surface of his toast. For those of you uninterested in acquiring “Mother Teresa Toast” for $600, there’s another option. Check out this cool throw-back Limited Edition Disney...
Mickey Mouse Citizen Eco-Drive Watch
Mickey says, It’s time to get a new watch. And I think, my friends, I have located watch perfection. The Citizen Eco-Drive Sterling Silver Mickey Mouse Watch is THE perfect timepiece to keep you ahead of schedule for all of your appointments during work-time AND fun-time. And with...