Look! It’s the perfect snowflake! But this snowflake you won’t have to scrape off your windshield and it won’t make your heating bill go up at ALL! This Mickey Mouse Filigree Necklace is the perfect winter accessory! All of the Winter Wonderland without all the...
Frozen Sing-A-Long Movie Tickets
Let Us Go! Let Us Goooo! Let us all pile in the car and get back to that theater so we can yell-sing “Do You Want Build a Snowman?”, “Love is an Open Door”, and “Let it Go” with our new favorite characters from Frozen! When they announced that they were...
Snow White Apple
It’s better to give than to receive… …unless you’re receiving an apple from the Evil Queen. Then, maybe receiving isn’t your best bet. You can play the part of Good OR Evil when toting around this Wicker Apple Handbag. It can hold all of your wicked spells, or...
Star Wars C3P0 and R2D2 Tee
“Curse my metal body! I wasn’t fast enough! It’s all my fault!” Oh, don’t be so hard on yourself C3P0…everyone makes mistakes from time to time. We know you’d never let anything happen to Master Luke or the Lovebirds. Good thing you’ve always...
Mickey Mouse
“Oh, Boy” is right! Mickey, you warm our hearts…and arms…and midsections. On a day like today, nothing is cozier than a blanket, a fire, and your favorite sweats. I think I may have a new favorite shirt to go in my comfy clothes collection. This Old-School Mickey Mouse...
Alice in Wonderland Tumbling Necklace
Oh, hey, Coolest Necklace Ever! We’re Mickey Fix, and we’re SO happy to meet you! When life gives you lemons, you make a cool necklace out of it. Falling down a rabbit hole can’t be the MOST fun thing a person can do, so why not capture the moment in a super-cool double...
Star Wars Thumb Doodles Art Book
Oh, now here’s a way to spend an afternoon! Well, I can already tell you what my weekend looks like…there’s gonna be a whole lotta stampin’ goin’ on. I am in love with that thumbprint Chewie and Han’s hair is KILLIN’ me! I gotta get my hands on this...
Pinocchio Eraser
Certainly Walt Disney made an animation oopsie once in a while… I mean, the man WAS human, wasn’t he? (Wasn’t he??) Anyhoo, it’s just sad to think he may not have had access to something as wonderful and whimsical as a Pinocchio Eraser Set. This thing’s not only...
Disney Collage Cell Phone Case for iP...
Nothing says “Happy Valentine’s Day” like a brand new cell phone case! I mean, really. Who wouldn’t love the gift of a new cell case for V Day that was COVERED in Disney Characters? This awesome Disney Collage Cell Case is just the ticket, IMHO. Available for...
Yoda, it’s cold outside. – I really can’t stayyy… – Yoda, it’s cold outside. – I’ve got to go away. – Yoda, it’s cold outside. – I wish I knew hooow….to break the spell. – I’ll get your hat. Your hair looks...
Mickey Mouse Sketchbook Dinner Plates...
Stow the breakables! The Gang’s coming over and they’re hungry! Whether you’re having Mickey Mouse and the Gang over for dinner or celebrating with The Gang that lives in your abode, you can always find a reason to bust out these fun-loving Mickey Mouse Dinner Plates! I love...
Mickey and Minnie Seatbelt Bag by Har...
Seatbelts? They’re highly useful items. It’s true…they save lives and that’s the most important thing. But did you know they also can miraculously turn into super cool handbags? Of course you did. You prolly already knew about our affinity for Harvey’s Seatbelt...
Retro Walt Disney World 2014 Tote
We’re glad you’re here, Brand New Year! A new year brings super fun things, like promises of better health, rekindled friendships, and becoming a better version of last year’s us! Make this the best year ever with a trip to WDW and an awesome Retro Disney Bag to tote your...
Frozen Olaf Beach
“When life gets rough, I like to hold on to my dream, Of relaxing in the summer sun, just lettin' off steam!” I know a few of us who are feeling Olaf's plight at the moment…wishing for anything but the feel of the frozen tundra. Well, good news, pals: We'll...
Disney Classics CD with MP3 Download
A Spoonful of Sugar makes the medicine go down…the medicine go down, the medicine go doooown… Did you just sing that in Mary Poppins' voice? 'Cuz I did. That's the thing about Disney Songs…they're Happy Little Earworms that crawl into your head and stay...
Artist Series Mickey Mouse iPhone Cas...
Great deal on this fun and funky Mickey Mouse Phone Case! I love it when Disney partners with outside artists to breathe new life into old standards. This Mickey Mouse iPhone Case comes from the special Artist Series Two Collection, and this snap case is made to snuggle your iPhone 5...
Mickey Mouse Battery Power Bar
Mickey Mouse, you know me better than I know MYSELF! This is gonna make my mama so happy because everytime she tries to call me, my phone is dead! With this awesome little Mickey Mouse Battery Power Bar Gadget, I’ll have NO excuses for a dead phone! Mickey, Mom loves you! And so do I...
Disney Aulani
Awww! I can't wait to see you, Aulani! But until I have enough money saved up in my pickle jar, I'll have to snuggle myself in the warmy-warmth of my Aulani Resort & Spa Comforter! It has Hidden Mickeys throughout, natch, and is the perfect soothing blue to make me think...
Yoda Outfit for
It’s important that they learn their alphabet early. You don’t want them to get behind in Padawan Class. That would just be embarrassing. Get your young Jedi ahead of the curve with this Y is For Yoda Creeper so you can introduce him early to the finer things in life. You can get...
Disney Dreams Charm Bracelet
Want a cute charm bracelet without the Pandora pricetag? This Stainless Steel Disney Charm Bracelet is the perfect little gift with a charming little price! It’s a starter bracelet, so it comes loaded with an adorable “Dreams Do Come True” charm and two spacers so you can...
Star Wars iPhone
The Chewbacca One has FUR, y’all! If my phone were covered in faux Chewbacca Fur, I may NEVER STOP PETTING IT. But, if a furry phone case isn’t what you’re into, there are plenty of other Star Wars Cell Cases to fit your iPhone. You can pick from Darth Vader, C3P0, R2D2, or...
Alice in Wonderland Pullover Shirt
I just had the CUH-RAZIEST dream! There was this crazy rabbit, and some dude in a tree smoking a pipe…then I was supposed to eat these cupcakes…it was CRAZY, man! I wish you could have been there! Now you can at least pretend you went down the rabbit hole with this Alice in...
Mickey Mouse Rechargeable Speaker
Rock those Disney Jams! No, seriously. Rock. Those. Disney. JAMS! Throw in the High School Musical soundtrack and get’cha (getcha getcha getcha getcha) head in the game! I love listening to music at insanely loud decibels, whether it be Disney-themed, Billy Joel-themed, or Barry...
Disney Tangled Cell Phone Case
Flower, Gleam, and Glow… …let your power shine…onto my phone, because I’m running really low on battery life and I REALLY want to finish this round of Candy Crush! Okay, so here’s a fun case for all you Rapunzel Lovers: it’s a cool, purple Tangled Cell...
Mickey and Minnie 1928 Plate
And to think the folks of Downton Abbey had never even HEARD of these guys yet… I mean, I’m sure it was nice to live UPSTAIRS at Downton, what with people fussing with your hair and bringing you a perfectly cooked pheasant whenever you wished for it, but life without Mickey...
Happiest Place on Earth Tee
I'm going to the Happiest Place on Earth! Isn't it cool that you never have to explain that phrase? Like, you never have to worry about people going, “Oh! You're going to Vancouver??” And then you'll have to be like, “Nah, Nah, I'm going to...
Disney Couture Tinker Bell Necklace
Faith, Trust, Pixie Dust, and a little Sparkly… …and that’s all a Tinker Bell lover really needs! This Tinker Bell Necklace by Disney Couture has a cool, braided 30″ chain with Tink dangling below in a ceramic bell. And who doesn’t love Tink…in a Bell?...
Disney Parks Castle iPhone Case
Out with the old, in with the new! Disney Parks has just released their fantastic artwork for 2014 on some super cool merch, including this Disney Parks Castle Phone Case for iPhone 4/4s and 5/5s! We’re particularly fond of the it’s a small world theming of the new line and the...
Princess Leia Mona Lisa Tee
The face that launched a thousand TIE fighters. You couldn’t really tell behind the masks, but most of the Stormtroopers on the Death Star were totally crushing on Princess Leia. I mean, who wouldn’t? That sly smile. Much like another famous face that made men swoon…...
Dream It! Do It! Book by Marty Sklar
One of our resolutions here around the shop at Mickey Fix is to READ MORE BOOKS. Of course, many of them will have “Disney” in the title, but you knew that already. We were super excited this past August when Marty Sklar, one of the greatest Imagineers in all of Imagineering,...
Beautifully Disney Cosmetics Set
Do you have a resolution to get more rest this year? Well, whether we grab that elusive 8 hours or not, now we can at least LOOK like we have, with a special dose of some fancy face fixins! This Cosmetics Set by Beautifully Disney has more than enough shellac and shininess to make even the...