What a wonderful day to spend in your pajamas, reading…The Scientific Method? Is that what Jack’s reading? I can’t tell, and I honestly wouldn’t even care what I was reading, if I could be under a cozy blanket right n…zzzzzz. Oh! Hello! So, as I was saying,...
Star Wars X-Wing Fighter and Imperial...
It’s good to keep your options open. It’s good to know which side you’re on, but smart to have a back-up t-shirt in case You Know Who shows us at your next get-together asking questions about where your loyalties lie… Wapoosh! Former Jedi becomes…Imperial...
Dole Whip Case for iPhone or iPod
Think warm thoughts of mosquitoes, high humidity, and 97 degrees Fahrenheit! The cold rain has me shiverin’ in my boots (and in me timbers) right about now, and while I am known to gripe about the ridonk humidity of Summertime in Disney World, I would give ANYTHING to be griping about...
Star Wars Wampa Ice Scraper
Yay! Yay! Yay! The Severed Hands are on Sale!! I don’t normally get THIS excited about severed hands, but THIS is one I’ve been eyeing for a mighty long time, and now, it’s on SALE! You, too, can score this Wampa Severed Hand Ice Scraper for just $14.99 right now at...
Brave Faux Leather Journal
Congrats, Brave, on your Oscar Win!! Brave! You did it! We knew you could do it! Congratulations to you for taking home the Oscar for Best Animated Film! We know it was hard for you to go up against your brother, Wreck it Ralph, but we know Ralph and Felix are SUPER happy for your win! We...
Avengers Pint Glasses 4 Pack
Avengers, Assemble…Your Beverages! Mmmm….Hulk Milk. Do you think Chocolate Milk would taste better out of a Hulk Glass or a Thor Glass? My bet’s on Hulk…I’d reserve the Thor glass for an evening beverage. But the Iron Man Glass DEFINITELY belongs to the V8...
Pinocchio Pencil Sharpener
I cannot tell a lie…this is NOT a #2 Pencil. Here’s another thing that ain’t no lie: that’s a stinkin’ cute Pinocchio Pencil Sharpener. The cool thing about this thing is, your untruths are directly correlated to the size of the pencil you’re sharpening....
Oz The Great and Powerful Tote Bag
Things are not always as they seem… For instance, just by looking at this bag, you’d have NO IDEA it had POCKETS inside. But it does. Everything in Oz is sneaky and magical like that… I am so ENTHRALLED with the idea of movie, and cannot WAIT for its premiere. Disney has...
Minnie Mouse Running Skirt
Who’s fired up for the Disney Princess Half Marathon Weekend?? This looks like a really fun event, this whole Running-Around-Disney-World-Thing. Disney, as usual, has put together some amazing stuff for the Half Marathon Weekend: they’ve got family stuff, running stuff, eating...
Peter Pan Charm
WARNING: This bracelet will NOT allow one to fly, if one chooses to leap out one’s nursery window. I feel the need to clarify these things, as warning labels are very helpful. Take, for instance, my hairdryer, whose manufacturer is ADAMANT that I not use my Conair 2500 while in the...
Haunted Mansion Case for Samsung Gala...
For her sake, I hope that girl’s got some mighty strong toes. We all know she’s doomed, DOOMED, I tell you, like the rest of us traveling with the 999 Happy Haunts in the Haunted Mansion. Let this awesome Stretching Portrait Hard Shell Case for your Samsung Galaxy 3 be a constant...
Oswald Giclee Art on Paper or Canvas
You’re one lucky rabbit, Oswald. You’ve made quite a resurrection, my friend. Most rabbits born in the 1920s don’t get a second chance, so I hope for your sake you use your time in the spotlight wisely! And Mickey Fixers, I hope you’ll use your spending money wisely...
Monsters Inc. Sully iPad Sleeve
If there’s anyone you can trust to protect your iPad, it’s James P. Sullivan. He’s cute, he’s fuzzy, he’s delicate, and he could squoosh you like a bug if he wanted to. But, fortunately for us, Sully has a soft spot for cute children and pricey electronic...
Wicked Witch of the West – Oz C...
Maleficent? Watch your back. ‘Cause Theodora is BRINGIN’ the Wicked! Disney Store has just unleashed the flying monkeys in their Oz The Great and Powerful shop online, and it’s got me all jacked up! I can’t wait for this movie’s release next month and I’ve...
Snow White Limited Edition 5 Pin Set
Once Upon a Time, There Lived a Little Princess With Hair as Black as Ebony… …and her name was Pocahontas. I kid, I kid. She wore a TOTALLY different dress. Here’s something I kid you not about, though: this Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs Limited Edition 5-Piece Pin Set,...
Disney Sketch Leather Dooney & B...
Happy Valentine’s Day, Mickey Fixers! I wish I could tell you that if you haven’t gotten her something already, you’re off the hook, but you’re so not. May I suggest going online here and snagging up this Disney Sketch Dooney and Bourke Wristlet, print off this...
Disney Parks Owl
Hoooo Doesn’t Love a Good Brooooch? Okay, I gotta admit: it took me a bit to figure out the Disney-Owl Connection, but a quick Google search will lead you to many examples of nocturnal birds of prey of the Disney variety…MY personal favorite being Big Mama from The Fox and The...
Star Wars Stormtrooper Force-Choked T...
Some Mondays at the office are worse than others… Poor Harold. He’s so distraught, he hasn’t even touched his peas. I’d be a little concerned, too, if I’d let a droid that MAY OR MAY NOT HAVE THE PLANS FOR THE DEATH STAR SHOVED INTO ITS CREVICES pass by without...
Mickey Mouse Heart Pendant Necklace
Tick Tock, Mickey Fixers! Heart Day is almost here! I came across this gem while readying the Disney Parks Blog last week, and fell in love with it! The author interviewed the artist, Petra Azar, and, as it turns out, this Mickey Mouse Heart Pendant is her favorite from the collection. She...
Captain America Mighty Wallet
Time to start rounding up some V-Day gifts! Okay, seriously, don’t tell the hubs, but I found him a new wallet for Valentine’s Day. Shhh! Here’s the cool thing about this Captain America Mighty Wallet: firstly, it’s mighty like Captain America himself and the...
Muppets Kermit Green is Good T-Shirt
It’s so easy…being green. Kermit was green before green was cool, kind of as a default, but still: he was way hip to the Green Movement before we even thought about putting an aluminum can in curbside receptacle. Show your friends that you believe Green is Good, whether that...
Mickey and Friends 5 piece Tin Popcor...
Yippee! Pizza and Movie Night! Pizza and Movie Night! We have a family tradition around my house where Friday = Pizza and Movie Night, which also = My Favorite Night of the Week! First we gorge ourselves on the best Greek Pizza money can buy (once every six months, then whatever a...
Darth Vader Creeper Onesie
Somebody get me a baby, quick…! No, for realz…I’mma need me a baby here quick-like, because somebody, SOMEBODY is getting this as a shower gift. Ain’t gonna be me. But it could be YOU. Or your sister, if she’s nice enough. But SOMEBODY is getting this wrapped up...
Princess Leia and Han Solo in Love Gr...
You had me at “I know”, you stuck-up, half-witted, scruffy-looking… Ah, young, egotistical love. Who are we to blame young Leia for falling for the likes of a Scruffy Smuggler like Solo? Let she among us without a massive Han-crush cast the first stone! (Wow. I just heard...
Disney Food Blog Guide to Disney Dini...
It’s back! It’s updated! It’s got more food than you can shake a Pocky Stick at! It’s the new DFB Guide to Disney Dining 2013! And my copy currently has drool all over it, if we’re just being honest here. I downloaded mine to my PC and proceeded to drool...
Mickey Mouse NFL Baltimore Ravens Foo...
Joe Flacco’s Going to Disney World!! Man, was that a close one! I think MVP Joe might have needed a trip to The World as a stress-reliever if they hadn’t pulled it out last night. What a game! Minnie’ very excited about the result, because she thinks Mickey’s...
Disney Villains Monopoly Game Collect...
This bunch? Worst Landlords EVER. I’ll bet they overcharge on the rent and their properties smell like cheese. But it might be fun to assume the role of one of these evil slumlords and attempt to divide and conquer the world one tiny castle at a time. What do you think the Disney...
Yay! Saturday! AKA Wear a Hat All Day Day! Ah, Saturday…you Day of Chores, Groceries, and Little League Games. You guardian of DVR’d Shows, Sofa Time, and Unread Magazines. We know you well, and we like you best. We save our best hats for YOU. Check out my new favorite Saturday...
Minnie Mouse Bow Ring by Disney Coutu...
What do you get when you take the Universal Symbol for Minnie Mouse and add some cloisonne polka dots? This shiny thing…here! It’s the perfect accessory for Wear Red for Heart Health Day! This flashy little number by Disney Couture can be your physical prompt to eat heart healthy...